PCS Full form Archives - csshint - A designer hub https://csshint.com/tag/pcs-full-form/ Sun, 19 Jul 2020 12:40:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.4 PCS Full form , What is the Full form of PCS? https://csshint.com/pcs-full-form-what-is-the-full-form-of-pcs/ Sun, 19 Jul 2020 12:40:09 +0000 http://csshint.com/?p=2674 The Full form of PCS is the Provincial Civil Service. There are two types of civil services, one is under the central government and one is under the state government. Under state government civil services are PCS. PCS employees have to work in one state only; they cannot work and transferred to any other state. Thus each state […]

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The Full form of PCS is the Provincial Civil Service. There are two types of civil services, one is under the central government and one is under the state government. Under state government civil services are PCS. PCS employees have to work in one state only; they cannot work and transferred to any other state. Thus each state has its own PCS and to select employees they conduct multi-layer exam, this exam is a state-level exam.  Officers who get selected through these PCS exams work under state governor.  The state government has full authority to suspend, transfer or terminate its employees.

PCS Full form

PCS Full form

PCS exams subjects

For PCS exams you have to work hard and give sufficient time on each subject.

 Subjects are –

Compulsory subject

  • Hindi
  • 2 – Optional subjects

  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Electrical engineering
  • Commerce & accountancy
  • Civil engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Political science
  • Social work
  • Management
  • Psychology
  • Anthropology
  • Statistics
  • Some states add the regional language also exam also in PCS exam.
  • Eligibility criteria for PCS exam

  • Candidates with graduation degree from a recognized university is eligible to give PCS exam.
  • Age limit is 21 years to 40 years.
  • Candidate should be Indian citizen.
  • Height required for male candidates are 5 feet 7 inches and for females its 5 feet 3 inches.
  • Some states give exception to some cast categories.
  • Levels of PCS exam

    Preliminary exam

    This is pre-exam which is takes by SCPS. Those who clear preliminary exams are eligible to give the main exam.

    Main exam

    After clearing preliminary exam candidates have to clear the main exam.


    After clearing main exam candidates have to go for interview round.

    After clearing all these three the candidates who come in the merit list are passed.

    Exam pattern

    Preliminary exam pattern

    This exam contains two papers and candidates are given 2 hours to finish it. One paper has 150 questions and another has 100 questions.

    Main exam pattern

    In this 8 papers are taken. In these 8 papers, 4 subjects are compulsory subjects and the rest four are from optional subjects.

    Salary package for PCS officer

    Salary package for PCS officer ranges from 15600rs per month to 67000 rs. Apart from the salary they are given government vehicle, house and many other allowances and facilities.

    How to prepare for PCS exam

  • Candidates should get updated with the geography and history of the state thoroughly. They can take help of general knowledge, history and geography books.
  • Candidate has to give many hours of hardcore and dedicated study.
  • Candidates should be updated with the latest domestic and international incidents and events. Many questions are based on these. For this develop a habit of reading newspaper daily or can watch any news channel daily.
  • As per many experts ncert books are best, so candidates should go through ncert books and prepare notes for last-minute revisions.
  • Hindi is compulsory subject in exam so best hold of Hindi grammar is needed.  Candidates should study all parts of grammars thoroughly, for example, make a practice of doing synonyms, Antonyms, Compositions, idioms etc. your regular practice can result in a good result.

    The job role of PCS officer

    PCS officers are given different duties as per the state government. They look after the development activities, working of government schemes and also they create awareness among the people of their block.

    The post PCS Full form , What is the Full form of PCS? appeared first on csshint - A designer hub.
