in the previous post i have show you How To Create 3D Text Effect Using CSS3 but in this tutorial we have collected 20 + css3 web typography. you can use them in your next project. There are various text effects available which can be applied you makeing the websites.
1.Shaded Text
2.Pure CSS 3D perspective render + :hover anim
This effect is really awesome. when you hover on text then text will be up with shadow effect.
3.Animated text with Snapsvg
this effect is created by yoksel a codepen user.
4.Hit The Floor Text Effect
this effect is created by CAPTAIN ANONYMOUS a codepen user.
5.Text Animation: Montserrat
this effect is created by Claire Larsen a codepen user.
6.Variable Longshadow with Gradients Mixin
this effect is created by Dario Corsi a codepen user.
7.Text-mask background moving on MouseMove – v2
this effect is created by Robert Borghesi a codepen user.
8.CSS Perspective Text Hover
this effect is created by James Bosworth a codepen user.
9.[webkit] Animated “text-shadow” pattern
this effect is created by carpe numidium a codepen user.
this effect is created by Mayur Elbhar a codepen user.
11.Awesome Text-Shadow
this effect is created by Mayur Elbhar a codepen user.
12.Bubbling Text Effect
this effect is created by html5andblog PRO a codepen user.
I hope you will enjoy this article.
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