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Multiple Select Dropdown

Multiple Select Dropdown : The users are allowed to select multiple options from the dropdown select. This Amazing snippet Designed by WebDevStudios.

Multiple Select Dropdown

Multiple Select Dropdown


[code language=”html”]
<div class="wrap">
<h1 class="pen-title">Chosen: Multiple Dropdown</h1>
<p class="pen-description">A simple dropdown using <a href="https://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/">Chosen.js</a>. Find out more, by reading the Chosen <a href="https://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/options.html">options API</a>.</p>

<!– Begin Multiple Dropdown –>
<form class="form" id="foo_form">
<label for="foo_select" class="screen-reader-text">Click to select an option</label>
<select id="foo_select" class="dropdown" form="foo_form" multiple data-placeholder="Click to select an option…">
<option value="null">First option</option>
<option value="null">Second option</option>
<option value="null">Third option</option>
<option value="null">Fourth option</option>
<option value="null">Fifth option</option>
<!– End Multiple Dropdown –>

</div><!– .wrap –>


[code language=”css”]
.form {

// Reset default Chosen.js styles
.chosen-container {
font-size: rem(16);

// Remove borders and box-shadows
.chosen-drop {
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
box-shadow: none;

// Reset active styles
.chosen-container-active {

// Remove borders and box-shadows
&.chosen-with-drop .chosen-single,
.chosen-choices {
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
box-shadow: none;

.chosen-results {

// Remove gradient and set the highlight color
.highlighted {
background: $color-blue;


[code language=”js”]
* Chosen: Multiple Dropdown
window.WDS_Chosen_Multiple_Dropdown = {};
( function( window, $, that ) {

// Constructor.
that.init = function() {

if ( that.meetsRequirements ) {

// Cache all the things.
that.cache = function() {
that.$c = {
window: $(window),
theDropdown: $( ‘.dropdown’ ),

// Combine all events.
that.bindEvents = function() {
that.$c.window.on( ‘load’, that.applyChosen );

// Do we meet the requirements?
that.meetsRequirements = function() {
return that.$c.theDropdown.length;

// Apply the Chosen.js library to a dropdown.
// https://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/options.html
that.applyChosen = function() {
inherit_select_classes: true,
width: ‘300px’,

// Engage!
$( that.init );

})( window, jQuery, window.WDS_Chosen_Multiple_Dropdown );

Multiple Select With Dropdown