Button Border and Text Color Fill On Hover using CSS only. this Amazing snippet designed by Giana...
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Simple File Upload UI
Here is a simple material ui inspired file upload interface designed by Rico Sta. Cruz. HTML [code...
E-Commerce mega menu
E-Commerce mega menu : Mega Menus are drop-down menus, which are normally activated when users...
Create a CSS Flipping Animation
If you want to Use a bit of CSS magic, you can create a flipping CSS animation with content on both...
Image Overlay JavaScript Slider
This is Cool Image Overlay JavaScript Slider with next and previous button with sliding effect...
Pure CSS Bootstrap Image Gallery
if you are looking for Pure CSS Bootstrap Image Gallery without any javascript then you are in...
Embed Material Design Bootstrap 4 Google Maps
If you want to display real time location on your website then you have to embed google map,so in...
Material Design date/time pickers for Angular Material
This cool Material Design date time picker built with Angular Material and Moment.js. Designed and...
12+ HTML CSS Weather Widgets
Latest Collection of free Html5 CSS Weather Widgets code examples. demo and download Zip. 1...
12+ CSS Profile cards
Latest Collection of free Html CSS Profile cards, Material Design Profile Card code examples. 1. Ui...
14+ jQuery Parallax
Latest Collection of free jQuery Parallax code examples and plugins (for vertical or horizontal...
18+ CSS book effect
Latest Collection of free HTML and CSS book effect code examples: 3d, animation, flip, layout, etc...